August 15, 2011

Moving on...

I have relocated. Gone are the hills and farms of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, and now I reside among the hills and farms of State College, Pennsylvania. Well, not so much in the hills and farms, but they aren't far away. You go a few miles from Penn State campus and you see dozens of cattle and/or acres of corn.

It's exciting to enter a new stage in my life, and even more exciting to have access to new beers. I am much closer to lots of delicious breweries in the eastern half of the state, and I have, right in town, a delicious restaurant that brews its own beer. Otto's Pub and Brewery just relocated to a larger venue and they have yet to deliver a beer I haven't enjoyed.

But. But back to the task at hand. I recently bought a 12 pack of Brooklyn Brewery's summer seasonal brew. Their Summer Ale is tasty.

To me, it embodies everything you would want for a summer barbecue. It's not overly hoppy and goes down easy and smooth. If Tom weren't over in Wyoming I likely would have picked up a case or two to throw down while relaxing in my back yard next to a fire (and perhaps taking a drunken trek through the woods behind the house).

However, without Tom or the woods behind my house I enjoyed it at home with a delicious meal. I made some homemade garlic toast(as pictured pre-broiled below), meatballs and penne with leftover sauce I had made earlier in the week.

It was made all the more enjoyable by having my girlfriend there to share it with me. Now if only I could get her more interested in beer...

After dinner I took the time to bake some zucchini bread. Tis the season. It turned out pretty well. I hope the grad students in Penn State's Materials Science and Engineering program enjoy the leftovers.

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